An Apple a day keeps the Derm away

Apples are among some of the best foods out there to help your body and skin.  They’re cheap, easy to eat, and most varieties are available most of the year so you don’t have to worry about them being hard to find.

Apples contain a huge amount of fiber which helps to keep your body regular and flush out toxins, it also helps to fill you up faster and keep your hunger down.  Apples also contain flavonoids which are an antioxidant that helps to prevent strokes, heart disease, and some cancers.  Eating the skin of apples is important because it contains even more flavenoids, as well as phenols which actually provide some UVB protection on your skin.

Studies have shown that apples are extremely effective in lowering cholesterol, keeping blood sugar stable, and preventing asthma and some cancers.  Since they are so high in fiber they are also a great snack for weight loss.  Eating apples also will help your teeth because the antiviral and vitamin C levels will strengthen your gums.

Red Delicious and Granny Smith apples are especially good since they contain more nutrients that help to fortify the skin, but any apple will provide you with great health and skin benefits.   Brands of apples all taste just a little bit different so you are sure to find one that you enjoy.  Since we do recommend eating the skin it is important to buy organic apples to avoid any pesticides on it.  If you can’t find organic or feel that it is too expensive then give your apple a good wash before eating it to remove most of the pesticides and germs.  The whole apple is a lot healthier, and more filling, than drinking apple juice as juices don’t contain as much of the flavenoids, and most contain added sugar as well.

It is recommended that you eat 4 servings of fruit a day – make one of them an apple!

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