Causes of Rosacea

Rosacea is a vascular condition that can affect both males and females and is more prevalent between the ages of 30 and 50. Anyone can be affected by the condition, but it is found that those with paler skin or Eastern European Ancestry (Irish, Welsh, or Scottish descent) are more at risk. The exact cause of Rosacea has not been determined. Rosacea is not a communicable disease, but many people find a family medical history of the condition. Two different theories are blood vessel dilation and the growth of bacteria with the increased warmth of the skin. Mites are another factor that play a role in Rosacea, but are not considered the cause of the condition.

Although the exact cause is not determined, there are many known triggers that irritate symptoms. Physical causes like menopause and emotional stress are listed among other factors such as sunlight exposure, extreme hot and cold temperatures, and win. Personal care products like moisturizers, sunscreens, and make ups that are not manufactured for sensitive skin can also cause issues. Alcoholic drinks, spicy foods and some dairy products are dietary triggers and should be avoided when possible. All of these triggers cause the blood vessels in the face to dilate, and blood to flow faster, which in turn causes the redness associated with Rosacea. Allergies can also cause a reaction in the body of flushing which can trigger symptoms of Rosacea.

Ultraviolet light plays an important roll in the development of Rosacea. It directly affects the dermal connective tissues and the lymphatic system which can contribute to passive vasodilation or enlarged blood vessels. Certain medications containing nitroglycerine also affect vasodilation and can lead to flushing. More serious cases can be linked to chronic facial skin lymphoma. This type of fibrotic dermatitis is generally found in patients diagnosed with a type of Rosacea known as rhinophyma.

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