New Year, New You: Quick Stress Busters for a Hard Day

You had a hard day. Perhaps the kids were particularly rowdy or the office caused a lot of issues throughout the day. Regardless of the reason, you found yourself stressed. This happens to a majority of the population every single day. When we find ourselves in stressful situations regularly, it takes a toll on our body.

Stress is bad. Watch this video about its effects:

Yikes! You work hard to maintain youthful vitality, yet your stress level pushes you further and further from that everyday. Manage stress this year with these quick stress busters.

Bring Your Body to Calm

Close your eyes and just breathe. Play calming music through your headphones. Sit back in your chair with your eyes closed during the song. Try to clear you mind and simply enjoy the calm.

You’ll Find Life is Still Worthwhile if You Just…

Smile! You don’t even have to mean it. The simple act of smiling can help lower your stress levels. In fact, just keep smiling until you believe it. Time to fake it until you make it!

Make it Get Hot in Here

Have you ever noticed that your hands get cold during times of intense stress? This is the body’s natural reaction. Take a moment to visualize warm hands. May seem weird, but this simple act of visualization can calm your body down.

Hug Yourself Like You Love Yourself

Sound silly? Well, it will look silly too. But that simple act will release several biochemicals that help your overall well-being. So, even when no one else will give you a hug, wrap your arms around and hug yourself.


Do you find life stressful sometimes? Do you plan on incorporating some of these stress busters into your daily life this year? Comment below with your plan to reduce stress and look younger in 2014:


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