Aloe Vera originates from northern Africa and is a species of succulent plant. It has been used since the first century in herbal medicines and is widely known as the ‘Plant of Immortality’ because of its amazing healing properties.
For many years Aloe Vera gel has been used for burns and wounds but it contains so many other benefits. It is used in many beauty and skin care products, ranging from face creams for problem skin, anti-ageing creams and eye gels.
Aloe Vera is an excellent moisturizer as it penetrates the skins deepest layers with minerals and nutrients. The polysaccharides in Aloe Vera create a barrier that prevents moisture being lost, keeping skin supple. It also contains a rich source of amino acids, vitamins A, C, F, B, niacin and vitamin B12.
If you suffer from Rosacea then you can reduce the redness, blotchiness and breakouts with a natural therapeutic product that contains Aloe Vera gel.
If you suffer from acne Aloe Vera has an anti-acne effect, it can provide a natural pH protection and its astringent properties reduce large pores and greasiness, helping to prevent acne. Aloe Vera gel also removes bacteria and other waste from your skin; supplies nourishment, and stimulates tissues to heal without scarring.
Aloe Vera gel contains anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties. It can help with cuts, burns, stings and rashes. Aloe Vera gel contains compounds called lignin’s, which has ability to penetrate toughened areas of the skin and can also help if you suffer from psoriasis.
Aloe Vera gel is also extremely effective in the treatment of scar tissue. It contains gibberellin, a growth hormone which stimulates growth of healthy skin cells, and limits the body’s production of scar tissue.
Drinking Aloe Vera can improve hydration in your skin, leaving you with a beautiful radiant glow; it’s also a great energizer filling you with vitality.
Aloe Vera gel has such amazing benefits that if you don’t already use it I highly recommend you start including it in your natural skincare regime