The cucumber first originated from India and is a type of gourd, it grows on a creeping vine which produces the cucumber fruit that has a high water content.
Cucumber extract has been used for many years to treat problem skin including acne and eczema. You can find cucumber extract in many natural skin care products that are specific for your face and body.
Cucumbers are rich in amino acids. They also contain vitamin A, C, E and K. Vitamin E is a vital ingredient as it helps repair your skin if you suffer from acne or any other sensitive skin issues. Vitamin K can help with building bone strength within your body which in turn can help reduce the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis.
Cucumbers and cucumber extract also contain various minerals including magnesium, potassium and silica. Silica can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The cucumber’s nourishing, astringent and hydrating properties provide only positive skin and health promoting benefits to your body, which is something that is extremely important to you on a day to day basis.
As cucumbers contain 96% water they can be extremely beneficial in helping rid your body of toxins reducing under eye swelling and even a relief against sunburn. Leaving your skin with a beautiful radiant glow. The peel of the cucumber is such a good source of fiber that can help if you suffer from constipation and even help protect against colon cancer.
If high blood pressure is a problem then cucumbers can help reduce your blood pressure but only if you follow a healthy natural diet.
Cucumber extract is one of the many skin and health enhancing nutrients found in ZENMED Complete Dermcare Kit. This product is ideal if you suffer from Eczema and works with your skin on a long term basis rather than just providing a quick fix solution.
Cucumber extract is such a vital ingredient that you should be including in your daily skin care routine.