Beauty & Wellness Roundup: Product scam, coconut oil, National Nutrition Month, beauty curse and Oscar-perfect skin

Every week we like to bring you a roundup of some of the latest trends in beauty, health and wellness, and other articles of interest to ZENMED blog readers. Last week, we came across some interesting posts on fake health and beauty products, tips on better nutrition, the beauty curse and an article on how Hollywood A-listers get glowing skin.ZENMED_Blog_Beauty&Wellness_March_week2_280x250

Brothers charged in phony beauty, health product scam

Heather Doyle reports on two brothers from Long Island being arrested on counterfeiting charges after investigators discovered more than $2 million in phony health and beauty products. The men were allegedly manufacturing fake products such as ChapStick, Johnson’s Baby Oil, Vicks VapoRub, Vicks Inhalers, Vaseline, and Always sanitary pads and then selling them to distributors who believed they were getting the real deal.

Oil pulling the hot new health and beauty craze

Does the act of swishing organic coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes each day hold the key to everything from teeth whitening to ridding the body of toxins? Shereen Dindar shares details of this ancient Ayurvedic practice which has gained new popularity thanks to viral posts in the blogosphere. Well-respected medical guru Deepak Chopra recommends the practice, which is said to improve gum health, headaches, eczema, allergies and more.

8 ways to celebrate National Nutrition Month

Hope Warshaw lists several ways to embrace healthier eating habits this month. She shares tips from eight nutrition experts in her article. Some of the suggestions include devising strategies to eat more fruits and vegetables and eating larger meals earlier in the day. Every  March, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics celebrates National Nutrition Month in an effort to spotlight the link between nutrition and overall health.

When beauty becomes to beast

While stepping away from her regular column, Carolyn Hax brings up the subject of beauty being a curse. She asks readers to weigh in on the subject and what they said may surprise you. Some readers shared how critical women can be of other women, while others brought up beauty envy. Eating disorders, reunions, and the relationship between appearance and career success are also hot topics of discussion in this piece.

The secret to glowing skin

Skin was radiant and glowing on the red carpet at the Oscars. Terri MacLeod & Keri Glassman share celebrity skincare tips and provide insight on how the stars achieved such healthy, glowing skin. They provide food-based skincare recipes using ingredients such as avocado and Greek yogurt, sing the praises of cucumber, and explain why you may want to hold off on that cup of coffee.

2 Comments on “Beauty & Wellness Roundup: Product scam, coconut oil, National Nutrition Month, beauty curse and Oscar-perfect skin”

  • BeTrue2God


    Swishing coconut oil in your mouth is a silly fad and a waste of time. Your mouth already secretes lingual antimicrobial peptide to kill off germs. Swishing water will accomplish the same thing.

    • Karley Ziegler Mott


      Hi there- Karley here. I have to say that after interviewing a Chicago-based dentist who recommended oil pulling, my teeth are SO much whiter thanks to oil pulling. I used to use the OTC teeth whiteners, but I just swish with the oil and my teeth are a pearly white now despite drinking coffee, tea and red wine. Experiences, of course will vary, but I do have to say that I was highly skeptical until I tried it.

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