Beauty and wellness roundup: Stolen skin, actives, forced shaving and backyard foods


Every week we like to bring you a roundup of some of the latest trends in beauty, health and wellness, and other articles of interest to ZENMED blog readers. Last week, we came across some interesting — and strange — posts on a man who stole skin from his employer, expert ingredient recommendations, a girl who was forced to have her armpits shaved at school and eating dandelions from the backyard.


Man accused of stealing $350K worth of skin

In a story which can only be described as bizarre, Kevin Spak reports on a man who is accused of stealing $350,000 in human skin. Gary Dudek was employed by a company based in Massachusetts that sells skin grafts to hospitals. While employed as a salesman at Organogenesis, Dudek was illegally placing orders for the skin, which typically was sold to area hospitals. Instead, the skin ended up missing. Investigators believe Dudek may have been placing large orders of skin in order to boost his commission. The skin, though, remains at large

6 need-to-know ingredients for perfect skin

Bryan Barron, author and beauty expert, shares his recommendations for the best skincare ingredients for beautiful skin. In the article, he lists his six favorite active ingredients. Two of his favorites are glycolic acid and salicylic acids, components of our AHA/BHA Complex. He also calls hydroquinone “…the gold standard active ingredient for treating brown spots and melasma.” What are his other favorite actives? Check out his article for more.

What this student was forced to do in school shows beauty standards have gone too far

A disturbing piece from Julianne Ross tells the story of a fourteen year old Australian student in a life skills class. The student was forced to have her armpits shaved in front of her classmates. The shaving was done by the girl’s teacher and without parental consent. The reason for this violation of privacy? The teacher claims the girl would be picked on for having hairy armpits. What are your thoughts on this one? Would you be upset if this happened to your daughter at school?

The fancy health foods lurking in your own backyard

Natalie Matthews  reports on some surprising foods growing right out in your yard. What one may consider annoying weeds may be considered super foods. Chickweed, for example, is common in many backyards and contains anti-inflammatory Omega 6 fatty acids. The common dandelion contains calcium and fiber, while being Mediterranean Diet friendly. Have you tried any of these in your diet yet? When you do, let me know your thoughts on flavor.


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