How Treating Teen Acne Differs from Treating Adult Acne

Acne doesn’t discriminate – both teens and adults can experience it. However, treating acne for teens is different from how it’s managed in adults. Teen skin is still tender and evolving, with factors like hormonal changes and developing hygiene habits playing a role. In this blog, we’ll explore the best practices for keeping teen skin clear and healthy. With almost 25 years of experience managing acne for our clients, we’re excited to share what we’ve found to work best.

Understanding Teen Skin

Teen skin is constantly changing. It’s still delicate and resembles that of a child, making it more prone to irritation and damage. Hormonal changes during puberty can trigger various skin issues, and the body’s reaction to these hormones can differ significantly from that of adult skin.

Hormonal Overload in Teens

Hormones like androgens are primarily responsible for acne during the teenage years. They stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce excess oil, which can clog pores and lead to breakouts. These hormonal changes also manifest in other ways, such as increased body hair, beard growth, and changes in voice. Naturally, the skin becomes a reflection of all these changes.

Hygiene Challenges for Adolescents

Teenagers are often inconsistent when it comes to hygiene. Skipping face-washing after a sweaty workout or not following a proper skincare routine can worsen acne. Education is crucial at this stage, as teens need guidance on the importance of cleansing their skin properly. Simple steps like washing the face, patting it dry, and using clean towels can make a big difference. Creating a step-by-step routine list can also help those who tend to forget.

Sensitivity of Teen Skin

Teen skin is more sensitive compared to adult skin, meaning harsh treatments, like strong scrubs or potent chemicals, can cause more harm than good. A gentler approach is essential to avoid irritation. We recommend using a mild pH-balanced cleanser, a daily low-strength alpha hydroxy toner to keep pores open, a spot treatment, and a gentle oil-free moisturizer.

Beard Growth and Acne

For teenage boys, growing facial hair adds a layer of complexity to skincare. Beard growth can trap dirt and oil, leading to more breakouts. Regular use of alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxy acids can help keep pores clear, but maintaining good hygiene is essential to prevent clogged pores and buildup under the hair.

Common Mistakes Teens Make When Treating Acne

Overusing Harsh Scrubs

One of the most frequent mistakes teens make is relying on harsh scrubs to “remove” acne. In reality, these scrubs can irritate the skin, making acne worse. It’s best to avoid trendy treatments on platforms like TikTok and stick to proven gentle methods.

Choosing the Wrong Cleansers

Teens may also choose overly harsh cleansers or those not suited to their skin type. Instead of harsh chemicals, natural and herbal cleansers are more effective for sensitive teen skin.

Inconsistent Skincare Routines

Inconsistency in skincare is another issue. Skincare routines need regularity to be effective. Skipping days or only treating breakouts won’t yield results. Caregivers can help by offering support, encouragement, and positive reinforcement.

Spot Treating Acne to Prevent Scarring

Spot treatments with salicylic acid can help reduce inflammation and clear acne more quickly. ALL acne, no matter how mild, should be treated. Early treatment is crucial in preventing scarring, which can cause long-term self-esteem issues.

Post-Activity Cleansing

After physical activities, teens should always cleanse their skin. Sweat combined with dirt and oils clogs pores, leading to breakouts. A quick post-workout cleanse can prevent this. The mantra “Don’t sweat and sit” is helpful here.

Avoiding Pore-Clogging Makeup

Teens should opt for non-comedogenic makeup that won’t clog pores. This reduces the risk of makeup-related breakouts.

What are AHA and BHA?

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) and beta hydroxy acids (BHA) are gentle exfoliating acids that help treat acne by removing dead skin cells and unclogging pores.

Benefits of Using Acids on Teen Skin

AHA and BHA can smooth skin texture, reduce acne scars, and keep pores clear, making them valuable for teens with persistent acne.

How to Safely Introduce Acids into a Skincare Routine

Introducing AHA and BHA into a routine should be done slowly, starting with lower concentrations to ensure skin doesn’t react negatively.

Professional Help

Acne and Hormonal Imbalances

Teens often face hormonal fluctuations that trigger severe acne. Consistent care is crucial to manage these breakouts effectively.

Identifying Moderate to Severe Acne

If acne becomes severe with large, painful breakouts, professional help may be necessary. Over-the-counter treatments may not suffice for more intense cases.

The Psychological Impact of Acne on Teens

Acne can greatly affect a teen’s self-esteem and confidence. Addressing the physical and emotional aspects of acne is important for overall well-being.

Consulting a Dermatologist

A dermatologist can provide specialized treatments for severe acne, such as prescription medications or professional procedures. Early intervention helps prevent long-term damage and scarring.


Treating teen acne requires a different approach than adult acne due to the tender, evolving nature of teenage skin. Avoiding harsh scrubs, using gentle cleansers, and maintaining a consistent skincare routine are essential for managing acne effectively. Incorporating AHA and BHA, practicing good hygiene, and seeking professional help when necessary can lead to clearer skin. Most importantly, teens should remember that acne is common and manageable with the right approach.

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