Problem Skincare Tips

How to Support your Teen Through Hormonal Acne

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Hormonal acne in teenagers goes beyond being a simple skin issue. Studies show a direct link between acne and low self-esteem in teens. When teens become overly self-conscious about their appearance, it can impact their social interactions and academic performance. As a parent, your role expands to not only finding an effective treatment for their […]

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How Treating Teen Acne Differs from Treating Adult Acne

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Acne doesn’t discriminate – both teens and adults can experience it. However, treating acne for teens is different from how it’s managed in adults. Teen skin is still tender and evolving, with factors like hormonal changes and developing hygiene habits playing a role. In this blog, we’ll explore the best practices for keeping teen skin […]

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Why Is Vitamin C So Good for Repairing Sun Damage?

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Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient that our bodies cannot produce. Instead, we get it from our diet, especially from citrus fruits. You might know vitamin C as a great immune booster and antioxidant, and it might even help lower your blood pressure. But why is it so popular in […]

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The Biggest Sign of Skin Aging is Not Wrinkles, It’s Dark Spots

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Dark spots on the skin, often referred to as sunspots, are primarily caused by sunlight exposure, leading many to associate them with aging. These spots are also known as “age spots” because, like wrinkles, they are a clear sign of skin aging. We tend to think of wrinkles as the main indicator of aging skin, […]

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Balding Men and Skin Cancer

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Baldness isn’t always seen as a bad thing. Many men proudly sport a bald scalp, sometimes by choice. But when it comes to bald men being at risk for skin cancer, that’s a different story. It’s not about how bald men look, but about their skin health. Is Skin Cancer More Common in Balding Men? […]

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Benefits of Willow Bark Extract on the skin

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A variety of extracts and plants are commonly used in cosmetics. Most of them are packed with antioxidants, but willow bark extract stands out with its unique anti-inflammatory properties that many other extracts lack. What is Willow Bark Extract? Also known as Basket Willow or Black Willow, willow bark extract comes from various types of […]

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Benzoyl Peroxide and premature aging on the skin

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We often hear complaints about synthetic drugs fixing one problem while causing another. This is true for benzoyl peroxide, a popular acne treatment that might also lead to premature skin aging. Is the Risk of Premature Aging High? Is the risk significant enough to reconsider using benzoyl peroxide? Who should use it, and who should […]

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Why Does the Sun Trigger Rosacea?

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Rosacea is a common skin condition that’s set off by stress, heat, certain foods, and sunlight. It causes facial redness and sometimes acne-like pimples during flare-ups. You might see noticeable blood vessels on your face, but these symptoms usually clear up in a week or two. Rosacea can often be mistaken for other skin conditions […]

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Protecting Your Skin From Indoor Light

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Research consistently highlights the beneficial effects of sunlight on our mood and overall well-being, earning it the reputation of being good for the soul. However, when it comes to skin health, the sun poses significant risks. Dermatologists worldwide emphasize the necessity of daily protection against ultraviolet (UV) rays, advocating for the use of sunglasses, wide-brimmed […]

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skin moisturizing healthy skin layer skin for optimum moisture

Dive Into “Skin Flooding” For Long Lasting Skin Hydration

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We are sure you have heard of “skin slugging” by now if you follow the highest trending beauty influencers on TikTok. For everyone else, here’s a quick debrief: it’s a skincare method that includes covering the skin with a thick layer of cream or petroleum jelly right before bed. The idea is that the cream […]

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