We’re getting several days into the new year now. Your gym is packed with people setting out to accomplish goals this year. I think that’s great. People are making changes in their life, even if they won’t follow through. That first step is often the hardest.
But what if you could reach your fitness goals this year? In this post of the New Year, New You series, we take a look at some alternative fitness resolutions to the typical “go to the gym everyday” goal.
Do Something Different
Many get stuck in the rut of doing the same routine over and over. You may actually get more from your workouts by keeping your body guessing. Change up your routine from week to week. If you typically run on the elliptical, try the treadmill or stair climber one day. If you typically go to the gym, head to your local park.
Make It Fun
Did you know that physical activity comes in a variety of forms? No one said that exercise had to be dull and boring! Head to a trampoline park, go to a dance class or join a bike club. There are tons of ways to have fun while giving your body the physical activity it deserves.
Start Training for a Challenge
Find an activity you feel passionate about, then challenge yourself to become better. Join a local team for a sport you enjoy or train for a triathlon. Become better at the activity and your body will feel better too. Not only that, but succeeding at something challenging will make you feel great about yourself.
Become a Master
Maybe you don’t like switching from activity to activity. That’s ok! Focus on one thing and become a master at it. For example, focusing on yoga will help you perfect your technique and be more effective during your workouts. Once you master the art, you could even become a teacher and make money at your mastery!
Get Adventurous
Really looking to get outside your comfort zone? Pick up some adventurous activities this year. White water rafting, rock climbing, snowboarding and even roller blading are adventurous activities that burn calories and get your adrenaline pumping. Plus, adventurous activities incorporate all the previous tips into one mega-activity of greatness.
What are some other ways that you can start feeling and looking great in 2014 without going to the gym? Comment below with more ideas for getting active:
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