Best Summer Rosacea Tips

For a clear majority of American citizens, summer is a time of rejoicing. Planning vacations around the beaches, have pool parties with friends and family and outdoor summer picnics are just some of the fun times associated with summer season. However, for someone who suffers from rosacea, summers can be a daunting time. And, every outdoor activity in hot humid weather may ring an alarming bell for a rosacea flare-up that would require immediate rosacea medication or treatment.

Facial Mists to Calm Rosacea

Studies, research and observation – all together have concluded that direct sun exposure can cause a serious rosacea flare-up that might need serious rosacea treatment. In most people, summer rosacea causes painful swollen bumps all over the face in addition to the redness. And in acute cases, the entire face would swell. We suggest you keep a facial mist that has ingredients to calm facial flushness in your bag during the summers. Spray your face with the mist whenever you get a chance.

Limit Your Sun Exposure

Dermatologists suggest that to keep your rosacea under control during the hot weathers, limit your sun exposure. If you must step out in direct sunlight, you better wear brimmed hats or scarves that would provide your facial skin some protection from the direct heat.

Also, get your dermatologist to prescribe you a rosacea cream that you can instantly apply topically in case you sense a possible rosacea flare-up. Some over the counter rosacea treatments have also proven to provide instant relief. However, when using oral antibiotics for rosacea in summers, be cautious. The usual rosacea medication that would have worked for you in summers may make your facial skin more prone to sunburn than usual. This includes all usual rosacea medication including doxycycline, tetracycline and minocycline.

Use a Sunscreen

To prevent getting sunburnt or an unexpected rosacea flare-up during the summers, always use a sunscreen that is SPF 50 or higher. Physical sunscreens work better for rosacea patients than the chemical ones. Look for formulations that have zinc oxide or titanium oxide listed on the ingredient list. Also, get a sunscreen that is broad spectrum, so it could provide you protection from both UVA and UVB rays.

Keep Your Skin Hydrated

In addition to limiting direct sun exposure, avoid other factors that may harm rosacea-prone skin during summers. Consumption of alcohol and spicy food in abundance can also stir up rosacea. With regular use of sunscreen, also keep your skin hydrated with moisturizers that are specifically formulated for rosacea-prone skin. Skin that suffers from rosacea may develop transepidermal water loss during humid seasons and a specially formulated gentle moisturizer is significant to combat that.

If general self-care fails to keep your rosacea at bay, then it might be time to try some rosacea medication. Get your dermatologist to prescribe you mild antibiotics. Sulfur based rosacea cream can help calm down painful bumps. Azelaic acid has also shown significant results in calming down rosacea redness and bumps. Try overnight rosacea spot treatments with higher but safe to use concentration of azelaic acid to treat summer rosacea.

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