Why do I get broken blood vessels?

Are you suffering from Telangiectasias? Chances are, you haven’t heard of the official name for a very common skin problem — broken blood vessels.


What are broken blood vessels and why do people get them?

Despite their name, broken blood vessels — also known as broken capillaries — are not actually broken at all. They are dilated blood vessels underneath the skin that are tiny and delicate.  People often feel embarrassed when they make an appearance on the face, as broken blood vessels tend to be visible.

Causes of broken blood vessels

  • Environmental factors — Sun exposure can cause broken capillaries. Windburn and even extreme cold temperatures can be a contributing factor.
  • Genetics — While not a leading cause, genetics may play a role. For example, if your mother has broken blood vessels on her arms, you may be more likely to get them in the same spot.
  • Aging — When collagen and elastin break down, skin can appear thinner and weaker. This thinner skin allows blood vessels to show through more easily.
  • Trauma — Too much pressure or intensive skincare treatments can both cause blood vessels to rupture.
  • Hormonal changes — Going through puberty, pregnancy and menopause can all wreak havoc on the skin and increase the likelihood of visible broken capillaries.
  • Rosacea — Flushing and redness are not the only visible side effects of Rosacea. Visible blood vessels, particularly around the nose and cheeks, can be caused by this condition.

Broken capillaries are difficult to treat, but there is hope!

While there is no quick fix for this skin concern, it does not mean that you are stuck with them forever.

  • Wearing sunscreen daily will not only help prevent broken blood vessels, but may help reduce existing ones.
  • Products formulated to help with cellular regeneration  is another trick experts recommend, as plump and healthy looking skin can reduce the appearance of visible blood vessels. Vitamin B5 is known for its plumping abilities, so look for this in your skincare products. You also need soothing ingredients, so using a skincare serum with potent vitamins as well as soothing ingredients such as cucumber may help reduce the appearance of blood vessels.
  • Laser treatments are also an option for more stubborn cases. Be sure to seek the professional opinion of a dermatologist to determine whether laser is the best option for you. If you do undergo this type of treatment, be sure to use a reconstructive moisturizer to aid the recovery process.

You don’t have to live with visible broken blood vessels. Knowing what is causing them is half the battle. Once you figure out why your capillaries are visible, you will be able to seek out the best form of treatment.

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